Relaim your freedom. Leave the laundry to us.

Laundromat Online Account

Create an Account

Handle all your order details online.

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Choose Your Dates

Weekly and bi-weekly pickups available for a discounted rate.

Laundromat Does Your Laundry For You

Sit Back & Relax

What are you going to do with all that free time?

Laundry Service Pricing

Pickup &
Per Pound

Pickup &
(By Request)
Per Pound

$35.00 Delivery Minimum

Per Pound

Sheets, Blankets, Towels (Pickup & Delivery)

  • Recurring $2.49 per pound
  • By Request $2.69 per pound
  • Same Day $2.99 per pound
MG 0022

Exceeding your expectations is our mission.